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Created At: Mar 26,2017 | By: Tony

The Highest Token Tip Ever in Chaturbate

Chaturbate just got the highest token tip ever. User Duke933 tipped Amazing_Ellen with an incredible 32, 000 tokens. Amazing_Ellen, real name Ellen, is Chaturbate broadcaster with 16000+ followers and one of them is Duke933. Chaturbate congratulates Ellen for the amazing news of getting her highest tip ever and that is saying something.


Tokens are important in Chaturbate. These are what users of the site use to tip with and they hold money value. There are two ways that Chaturbate users can obtain tokens. They can either be purchased by entering a Chaturbate chat room then clicking icon for bag of money. The second is if you are a broadcaster, you can get token tips for your audience.


Each token is 5 cents worth each.  Broadcasters are able to cash in their tokens if they go to Token Stats and use the token converter. Chaturbate is a popular site for people looking to earn money out of sex because it is comfortable and safe for women. Everything is controlled by the broadcaster and so they do not have anything to be worried about.


Also, with the huge number of Chaturbate users, broadcasters really are able to make plenty of money out of the token tips for every performance. When you search through the Internet, it is easy to find girls with quite high token tips that say amazing about their reputation. On that note, Amazing_Ellen’s highest token tip is surely an indication of the reputation and one that will not be surpassed easily this year.

