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Myfreecams Mobile - Review

September 18, 2017 | 5542 Views

MyFreeCams.com also known as mfc com encourages you to become a member and get the full package. Guess what, it doesn’t cost a cent. In more ways, MyFreecams is similar to ImLive in that you get to pay, but it doesn’t rule out the enjoyment if you decide not to.

The mobile view is just as smooth as the desktop view with mfc.com models in tiny thumbnails scattered all over the screen, It only goes to show that there is more from where all that has come from.

For reasons unknown to me at the time of this writing, it took quite a while to load up the mobile version. Whether the delay in latency was that of my mobile device or the site is a mystery we might never be able to solve.

One downside to the mobile version of MyFreeCams.com is the difficulty experienced when trying to navigate through the MyFreeCam homepage. It takes a little getting used to before you can navigate without mistakenly clicking on the thumbnail of one of the hotties and enjoying an unplanned meal.

One really nice feature about “my free cams” is the feature that enables you to continue viewing your video even after pressing the back button on browser window. The Free cam session doesn’t just go away. Instead. It minimizes it’s window to the left bottom of your mobile screen and continues rolling while you may decide to scroll down and make a new selection. Mfc webcam lives up to expectations, as it’s name implies (My free cams) it is to very large extents free. It is safe to say that you only pay for premium services.

my free cam mobile

There is also a pane by the right side of the screen for most popular MFC cam rooms. You also get to see the numbers of people in the respective rooms before joining them.

Just below this pane, we have options for my free cam models you like. This is most likely decided upon by the kind of models that you have clicked on the most…. Or what we would like to call the common factor.

Then you have another link to Trending rooms, apparently this is way different from popular rooms. When you click on the trending room’s link on my free cams.com mobile, it switches places on the pane above with the most popular rooms. That way, the trending rooms are now displayed on the pane, while the popular rooms become just a link under the pane.

Also under this pane, there is a link for the recently visited, safe to say this is your history button. There are also links for custom selection and miss My Free Cams. All in all, myfreecams mobile has content, a lot of content. I feel they could do a better job with the user friendliness of the GUI. As I pointed out earlier, If you want quality, myfree cams is probably the place for you, after all quality always comes with a price.

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